Real estate is at the heart of most personal and business portfolios. Whether you are an owner or a tenant, a buyer or a seller, and whether it’s your home, commercial or agricultural property, the Law Offices of Laura A. Davis provides thorough review and documentation of your residential and commercial real estate dealings. Laura has drafted and negotiated a broad spectrum of real estate transaction documents, including purchase agreements, leases, license agreements, loan documents, corporate and limited liability company documents, asset purchase agreements, stock sale agreements and partnership agreements. From beginning to end, Laura walks you through each step of the process with ease and confidence.
Laura’s services include:
- Reviewing any listing or agency agreements
- Drafting and reviewing residential offers to purchase and counteroffers
- Drafting and reviewing commercial options, purchase offers, counteroffers and leases
- Working with title insurance companies and reviewing title insurance reports and commitments
- Drafting and reviewing agricultural leases
- Preparing Williamson Act and Farmland Security Zone Applications
- Drafting and negotiating Co-tenancy Agreements
- Drafting and negotiating Shared Equity Financing Agreements
In addition to those services, Laura is available to answer other questions that arise during the course of your sale or purchase.
The Law Offices of Laura A. Davis: Protecting the heart of your personal and business assets.
Call To Schedule An Appointment
(831) 318-5593